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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19856
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: krafty

Member#: 3052
Registered: 28-11-2006
Diary Entries: 467

Mood: waiting for wind
18th April 2012
Windsurfing: Pevensey Bay
Wind Direction: SW - ESE
Wind Stength: Up n down
Surf / Sea State: Proper sized waves ....
Air Temperature: Ok
Sea Temperature: Ok
Weather: Variable, overcast with showers
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Did physio session then having received messages from the work shy opted to join them at the beach.

Fucking sport .... Sucks your sack dry and then pisses on you !!! Had a cracking sail and having seen Rich get a mini skunking on his 91 & 4.7m I switched my 5.0m from the USurf84 to the 10'5 ... Airtime and shredding waves for fun .... Went downwind to see how Rich was as he slogged back upwind and ripped waves apart as they were sweet .... Some pretty big muvvers out there too. Wind played silly bollox, waves nailed me, carried on regardless. One point out the back rain / drizzle patch and big wind shift and did I know which way was which? Did I fuck!!!! Waves were big too so couldn't see fucking land in any direction!!! Took a chill pill on the conveyor belt and figured out which way was which and got back in the saddle. 
Passed a few as I worked back upwind trying not to be tempted by the waves and failing ;) came in about 3 beaches down and opted to go again and got spanked and a freeride east in the lull/rip and ended up down at the environment agency .... Eventually decided enough was enough and the bitch could go fuck herself, and that's when it pissed down. Ache like fuck now, ankle is fine but shoulder is tweaked I think, smiling coz the ball sack is empty but a bit grumpy that she fucked me about the bitch ;) at least she didn't run off with my underpants like she did Rich ;) lol 

Best session in ages ;) lol
Toys Used:
Exocet 10'5 TT Tri-fin 145 ltr
XO Shark 5.0m



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